Newest Posts in Habits
53%IIN that i cannot pay attention when someone talks for a long time?
67%I like to walk around with a cameltoe on purpose
45%IIN to steal underwear from a college laundry dorm room?
71%IIN for people to be cheap?
13%Is it normal to pee in the corner because bathroom is too far?
81%Shaving chest hair
82%IIN to talk to yourself
74%IIN i surf my phone in bed
61%My worse habits
94%Is it normal that i care a lot?
59%IIN i accidentally leave porn on phone in public
26%I make a poopee in the korner
38%Is it normal for my boyfriend to look at his sisters butt?
72%Is it normal that i chew gum whenever i'm stressed?
52%IIN to hate these type of comments: "it's 2015 and people still..."
80%Is it normal that i hate everything my older sister does?
28%IIN for men to take pictures of women they don't know in public?
68%Cup your junk while on the couch?
18%Showing random women your dick pics, is it normai & is it legal?
40%Is it normal i like using the present subjunctive?
74%IIN to put myself last
73%IIN that i like to pluck hair on my body
74%How can i celebrate it...?
67%IIN to manually dilate your asshole by fingering it when constipated?
94%IIN that i read the comments on other stories
65%Is it normal that i like the smell of ball or my own vag sweat?
84%Is it normal for me to chew on the strings on my hoodie?
26%Is it normal that i cut in order to pick scabs?
87%IIN to pull out your phone when you feel anxious?
79%IIN to fart while peeing at a urinal?