Newest Posts in Habits
83%IIN i talk to myself?
32%Is it normal when i feed my cum to my cat after i'm done masturbating?
66%IIN that i make my plushies do these things?
38%Is it normal that i am lazy
NewDoes your brain turn off when making out?
33%Is it normal to play with action figures as an adult?
NewAm i day dreaming or having some kind of delusion?
47%Is it normal- i completely agree with all of katie hopkins's opinions.
52%I run to forget psychic pain
NewHow good are you at managing your money?
45%IIN to take off clothing with your favorite cartoon before you poop
67%Is it normal to say i'm going to kill you
91%The iin cycle. iin?
18%IIN for another man to rest his knee on yours?
63%Is it normal that i feel this way about trichotillomania?
47%IIN to spend an hour thinking about an embarrassing fart?
30%IIN to smear boogers on the wall
NewMasturbating and ejaculating into your hand.
77%IIN that my tone turns mean in some situations?
17%Is it normal that i pick fleas off my cat, put them in a ziplock bag
56%IIN bananas are tasty only when sliced?
71%IIN that i rest while sitting at a table like this?
75%IIN to scream at texters on the road?
62%IIN he loves big 80s hair?
NewWhich of these activities is your favourite?
86%Whenever i tell people what i plan to do, i never follow through?
33%IIN that ive been pulling my eyebrows since i was 4?
43%IIN to do this while farting?
NewIIN that i hold up my shirt whenever i go to the restroom?
83%IIN that my wife picks up things with her toes?