Newest Posts in Health
32%I want covid-19 and ebola combined
75%Can i get a yeast infection in my mouth?
NewCan i get a yeast infection in my mouth?
100%It is so ficking hot
NewIIN for hospitals to refuse patients to anyone with raspatory illness?
33%IIN that i have overgrown toe skin?
NewIs it better to live in a big city or a small town?
Why the who keep rejecting to investigate the origin of the covid?
14%Is this pain normal?
10%IIN be this hungry all the time?
100%IIN that i like mall massage chairs
33%IIN that i want to go back on topamax to lose weight?
80%IIN to not wanna be outisde in the summer
69%The vaccine side effects
NewIIN to have less feeling on one half of your body?
I'm using these things for my healthiness
22%How often is too often to pee?
NewIs it normal that my throat has been numb for a week?
100%IIN that i took pain medication, even though i literally never do?
10%I haven't slept for 3 years?
I experience burning after urination but don’t know the cause(female)
67%IIN i cant tell side effects from imagined anxiety symptoms
100%IIN for my right arm to feel strained after using the weights?
100%IIN to feel sick in high humidity
NewIf someone overweight fasts for 5 days could they lose 10 pounds?
NewIIN that my skin burns when i touch it lightly
25%New us airforce standards
50%Is it normal that my vein feels hard?
71%IIN that it takes ages for me to pee or poop when i'm anxious?
NewWhat is wrong with my right eye?