Newest Posts in Health
89%The kidneys are the most underrated least respected organ
NewAm i going insane?
NewAre you an organ donor? why or why not?
33%Impromptu sex and panty skid marks
67%Is it normal to her zits like this?
57%Is it normal to make a doc's appointment when suspecting you're overweight?
100%Blood spurting from under toe nail
71%Should i shave my pubes (female)
50%Bleeding lumps around anus
Help me with hemorrhoid
20%Oh god, it's backing up again
16%Is it normal that i feel dizzy when i stand up?
Gut issues with anxiety... (relief ideas?)
33%If you drink the right way, is it better for your liver?
50%IIN that my knee bends weird and temporarily dislocates?
33%Is it normal if i love the sensation of a muscle twitch?
Is post menstrual depression and anxiety a thing?
36%IIN i took a crap & it smelled like dog shit?
Is it normal to still wet the bed in college?
43%My ears are extremely sensitive
NewIIN workingout making me more chub?
NewTics while daydreaming?
NewI'm wondering, those who have had an mri
42%Smelling plaque
IIN to be exhausted with the world treating adult aspies like children?
17%Is it normal my pee is red?
36%There's nothing i hate more than sipping on a bottle of beer at a party?
38%No period in almost 3 months? -not pregnant
36%I judge fat people eating in public
What should be done to prevent hair loss?