Newest Posts in Health
67%Is it weird that some of my molar teeth have only 3 spikes?
86%Low carb cured my mental instability
31%IIN to be paranoid about appendicitis?
NewBlood in urine, no infection, possible kidney stone
Why am i having so much right flank (side) pain?
NewWhy am i having so much right flank (side) pain?
44%Period problems. is this normal orrrr nah?
NewMy girlfriend's fat ugly knees
25%IIN i think my hormone imbalance made me a lesbian?
Does nut-meg powder have side effects?
63%Laying in the road
NewHow often do you poop?
50%Hallucinations as a little kid
NewAre maggots in wounds good for you?
22%Iin: to get a headache everyday
75%IIN that ranch dressing squirting in my eye made me change my life around?
33%Cock-size vagina hole
33%IIN i always shift "personalities"?
17%My food tastes like crap and very salty/metallic
86%Motherfucking ticks
Is it normal for a guy to watch porn and masturbate frequently
33%Procrasturbation: self-pleasuring as a delay tactic
NewMkay... about my period blood.
50%Which pain relief medicene is bad for kidney or liver
56%Is it normal that i don't care about the real world?
NewIs this an okay sleeping pattern, health wise?
14%IIN i dont feel addicted through i'm literally taking it everyday?
NewIIN that dead family members tell me to stop my medication?
21%If i hold in my poop a long time, i vomit
NewQuestions for my fellow smokers, nicotine gum?