Newest Posts in Health
86%I play video games νude
100%IIN for a 15 year-old to have pimples
NewIIN i'm not good with change
75%IIN for a large number of people to not recycle their trash?
90%During or in between anxiety attacks i laugh histerically???!!!
70%Is it normal to feel like you have to fart....but
71%IIN for an 80 year old to be in better shape than much younger people?
32%Semen drips out when i poop.
100%IIN i think i have a personality disorder
43%I want to breastfeed but i'm 40
NewAs a fat person....
33%Is it normal to experience migraine almost everyday
25%IIN i feel tired quicly ???
100%Dumbass or smartass normality
33%IIN the eye drops end up in my mouth?
NewIIN that i dont like whom i've become?
42%IIN to surgically mutilate male sexual organs?
21%IIN everything feels painful everywhere.
20%Is it normal to have a average period cycle of 20 days(every 2 weeks)?
27%Small hole above anus?
67%Is it normal to not feel like your emotions are yours
47%Does anyone feel pressure near their shoulders?
12%Is it normal to want to eat your own shit?
58%Is it normal that i have trouble breathing while taking a shower?
36%My nose hairs grow about 3 millimeters a week, iin?
71%I've invented a complete imaginary world. am i insane?
40%IIN to lose weight by accident?
NewIs it normal my boyfriend throws up in his sleep?
100%The less healthy a life i lead, the worse my mood.
35%Has anyone had this feeling before?