Newest Posts in Health
80%My ankle keeps popping when im walking
44%I'm an emotional wreck
50%Horribly horrendous
NewIIN to be this weight
100%Why do i keep getting acne
80%Gf making me go to a 3 hour breast cancer seminar, iin i don't want to go
57%IIN why do people think healthcare is a right
100%First period at 18
71%IIN i have so much wrong with me
60%My chest feels tight after smoking... iin
17%IIN i want to do this
22%Pain below stomach
100%Is it normal to have hair on my boobs
73%I can not to be able to sleep unless there is a pillow on top of me
83%Seeing images with my eyes closed
67%Is it normal i go from hot to cold tocold too hot all day
38%IIN that i go poop a lot
50%Private parts
94%I have pimples on my chest and back
75%Period, lots
NewAbout frequent urination
57%Is it normal that i have no craving for a cig after smoking 35 years
NewAre there any doctors out there
100%Is it normal that i am not fond of my daughters fiance
25%Is it normal that i look "unisex" down there (explicit)
NewIIN to be bleeding from places
NewIs it normal for my vagina to itch
NewIs it normal to lose mucus plug in early pregnancy
86%IIN i had a big gush of wetness down there
33%IIN to always want to drink or get high