Newest Posts in Observations
60%Most men are in the closet
60%IIN nintendo hates emulation, but doesn't wanna offer their old games?
NewDo you tailgate on the road?
88%If you were king of the world
How well do you know your neighbors?
63%IIN for a bedroom to not have a built-in closet?
45%IIN have yet to be disturbed/affected by extreme shock, gore vids
50%I believe that you can fit an infinite number of socks into any bag?
60%Why is it more ok to verbalize hate than love/likes?
80%IIN for anti-racist people to be... racist?
NewThis site keeps getting weirder every time i return here..
75%White people are the empathetic people
Knowing when you're completely different
19%Every left-handed person i’ve met was mentally off
84%I dislike conservatives
NewIf you were 100% cornered into joining a street gang, who would you choose?
NewIIN to get mad at a stranger in a shop for touching your payment card?
NewIIN the roads are barely tended to in the winter and very dangerous
What would you do if an angry rooster came barreling toward you?
17%I'm racist for helping my black neighbors move
80%Global cooling alarmists are worse than global watming alarmist
100%Has social media made bullying worse
50%My neighbor being so grumpy
100%IIN this bus ride was very creepy
What are you wearing today?
38%Omg, jfc, wtf is wrong with yall?
33%Why is fast food so slow and retarded now
67%Is it normal that i can predict what people are going to do or say?
45%I can tell if someone around me is a psychopath
50%Why are europeans so concerned with american asshole maintenance?