Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
20%IIN to be repulsed by ugly people?
18%I have a burning hate for four cheese pizza
67%IIN that my ex's mother annoyed me
NewWhy the heck do people put their scopes on their quad-rails
54%IIN that i hate hypothetical questions
NewDoes anyone else hate people who talk during movies?
100%IIN that loud people make me sick?
Why do people think it's okay to play with my hair
80%Is it normal i love my dog more than anything else?
85%People that don't wash their hands are gross
85%IIN that i can't stand the way people talk in fandoms
74%I hate talking in real life
17%IIN that i have this pet peeve?
75%Maybe issues
55%IIN to think that asking one's sexuality is rude?
50%IIN slurping reminds me of sex noises
100%IIN to not find something funny that everyone else does?
86%Is it normal to hate people dabbing
32%IIN : hate seeing shower curtains open
Is it normal that i have a hard time peeing in public restroom?
47%IIN to want to kill someone because they won't stop coughing?
NewIm pissed at peoples ignorance
93%IIN that this makes me emotionally stabby?
Is it racist to touch a black person's hair because you like how it feels?
91%IIN smartphone footage annoys me so much?
46%IIN to let airport employees get away with abusive behavior?
67%IIN i can't stand people who ask for special treatment?
33%Is it normal to feel uncomfortable when the word "firm" is used?
NewIIN to hate the word orbs?
NewIIN to be annoyed by all the brag posts lately?