Newest Posts in Pets
67%Is it normal that i am obbsesed with wolves?
36%Is it normal that my dog has a red stomach?
30%Is it normal that my fixed female cat humps my leg?
84%Is it normal for an adult to have guinea pigs as pets?
72%Whenever i see an animal being hurt...
66%Is it normal that my fixed, female dog humps my leg?
51%Is it normal to nibble and bite on your cat's ears?
35%My pets know what im saying
73%I love animals more than people. iin?
82%Is it normal that my dog does this when she smells my hair?
65%Is that cat normal?
53%Is it normal that i hate cats?
71%Obsessed over dog?
57%Is it normal that my dog smells and i likeit?!
86%Is it normal that my dog licks me like crazy when i sing?
85%Is it normal for my dog to lick my feet?
60%Is it normal to like your pet eating your downstairs
56%Is it normal to think your dog is sexy
56%Is it normal that i like cats paws .. a lot?
66%My bitch has weird habits
86%Is it normal i think dogs are hilarious?
52%Was this normal for a young boy to do to a cat?
43%Is it normal to think your cat is sexy?
19%Is it normal to eat your cat when it dies?
91%Is it normal to feel so lonely that you want a pet?
45%Is it normal to stare at your cats balls? lol
18%Is it normal to hate your dog and wish her death?
NewDo you like turtles/tortoises?
23%Is it normal that i am in love with my cat?
18%Is it normal i hate my dog