Newest Posts in Family
88%My brother never wants to hangout with me, movies etc. anymore
94%I feel bad when my parents spend alot of money on me
50%Why are parents abandonding their children?
NewIf you wrote about a 1970s serial killer, what'd be his weapon of choice?
67%Wealthy parents making me work
50%Idk what to do
67%IIN to feel bad for my dad
33%Never been close to my mom
NewIf mum dies of cancer, how can i live with dad again?
20%Is it normal my mum preferred what i looked like when i was overweight?
Wwyd if you found out your mom is cheating
NewAdvice on bf issues
76%Bumped into my mom naked, can't delete the memory
NewIsit normal 4a gay mother 2 disapprove son 4 liking a guy
60%Would you pass on someone if?
41%Sodomy is not normal and i refuse to believe that it is
63%Why has my sister never truly asked the deeper questions?
17%Why the fuck does my mum not get it
NewIs it normal that i wish abusive parent would just die?
NewIs it normal i want very ?
NewWhat's your favorite skin tone on a baby
NewI hate my father. is it bad i don’t consider him my father anymore?
67%IIN i tune out people who talk about their families often?
58%IIN to think the nuclear family is slowly being phased out
NewWhich number do you like best?
87%Is it normal my children hate me to take their photo?
53%Is it normal to think i'll die in childbirth?
82%IIN i love checking out r/childfree?
62%Women's legs are as strong as a horse's legs