Newest Posts in Habits
75%Is it normal to exercise to this song?
33%Is it normal to always to pee
74%IIN i pretend to be fictional characters on websites like yahoo answer
44%Is it normal to lie about trivial things all the time?
56%Is it normal that i speake irish around saint patrik's day
63%Is it normal that i deny a lot of things to myself
47%Is it normal that i always have to retrace my letters/numbers?
76%Is it normal for me to be switching from men to women like this?
NewAre you a memeber and never commented?
69%IIN i'm obbsesed with this website?
63%Is it normal that i rub my wrist bone?
81%Is it normal to repeat things so often?
83%Is it normal to have phases of morbid fascinations?
71%Is it normal that when im alone i pretend im in a film etc.?
31%Is it normal that i punch my friends?
83%IIN for one guy to look at another guys 'crotch' looking for size,?
38%Is it normal i bite my toenails and chew on them?
64%Is it normal that sometimes i praise my vagina?
31%Is it normal to eat paper?
70%Is it normal that i call aspergers - assburgers?
76%Chew your fingers
25%Is it normal to pay to try to get girls sox and hose
69%Is it normal to rub material between fingers?
85%Is it normal that i pee outside when drunk
44%Is it normal i do this immature stuff regularly?
68%Is it normal to unconsiously rock your back back and forth?
91%Is it normal to over say sorry?
26%Is it normal that i involuntarliy make this noise..
90%Is it normal that i look at porn when i'm bored.
80%Is it normal that i need the tv on to fall asleep?