Music & Entertainment
Newest Posts in Music & Entertainment
NewIf you're trapped in saw mansion
85%I think that lost is a stupid show.
67%Inn for your personality to change based on the music you listening to
NewDoes the music you listen to reflect your mood?
Are films worth watching if you know the twist?
NewWho do you think should win american idol?
NewRate this movie!
74%I hate the left swipe that commercial about smoking.
43%Is it normal to find the rape scene in 'deliverance' to be arousing?
NewPost the lyrics in your head
40%Is it normal for youtube to not have song?
NewWhats your masterpiece song?
NewWhy do people love subwoofers?
33%How do i host mp3 files?
50%Is it normal that music makes me depressed?
70%Your face look like while playing video game
57%What's the worst three words a man can hear?
36%IIN fancy dress party!!
92%Song you're ashamed to admit you like?
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NewReviews of iin-posts. is it normal?
NewIs is normal to be straight and like coldplay?
NewWe all know justin bieber is wack but which song do you secretly like?
50%Super happy fun karaoke time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
90%IIN that my taste in music is way off my generation
NewAmerican sniper
92%Iin: to still love watching disney movies?
48%IIN about that movie 50 shades of grey ?
58%Is it normal to feel a celebrity death is life changing?
71%My business formula is simple. sex sells. that's all ye need to know.