Newest Posts in Observations
NewIs 2020 sucks to you?
NewWhat is the saddest color scheme for a business?
25%He makes obnoxious grunts and groans?
NewHow do you see yourself?
Is it normal to have 'personalities' for each number?
NewHow do you wipe?
80%How do you feel about being blocked here?
80%Old people driving
50%I watch porn and visualize being the guy, iin
80%IIN all lesbians are ugly in my lgbt fb group?
30%Does notice how men with fat fetishes are ugly gross losers?
NewWere you a “good kid”?
54%I like voting on posts where
70%Long nails on men?
91%Is it normal i have more desire to meet others than others have for me?
67%Why do some of you spend so much time on here?
NewWhat makes you you?
NewHow old is it normal for kids to wipe themselves?
NewBy the way
68%IIN i don’t think 5”7 is short for a man
NewDo most democrats hate america?
What is the worst advice someone has given you?
37%Why date men? they're fugly
90%I just found this website
75%To do all your grocery shopping at the dollar store?
NewAre the states still morally superior with trump in power?
NewDid human-caused change kill the dinosaurs?
40%IIN us's republicans are the biggest terrorists?
33%I don’t think sweatshops are that bad
71%IIN that i don't consider certain far leftists/antifa to be that weak?