Newest Posts in Technology
68%IIN that my fan is really loud
46%No sound on youtube videos?
83%IIN that i've gotten bored of this site?
25%Is it normal that i have town hall 10 maxed out & i'm addicted
63%My iphone is acting a fool! iin?
NewWhat's your opinion on samsug galaxy phones?
90%Is it normal that i don't use facebook?
72%Laptop speakers suck so i use this instead?
75%IIN that i love my scooter so much.
43%From now on, no more photos. i only want paintings. is it normal?
75%I want a vintage rotary dial phone.
67%Will books be obsolete?
NewWhich car combo to choose of buying soon?
NewWhich car combo to choose of buying soon?
44%IIN that i can't post
100%IIN that i still have this issue?
47%IIN i want to become hacker.
50%Iin, to get locked out of your account when you never changed the...?
88%I think paper towels have become amazing
78%Inn that im too lazy to create new accounts for online shopping?
90%Is it normal to feel shy about chatting to other players in an mmo?
82%IIN i got vertigo playing an xbox game?
61%Is it possible computers could become conscious one day?
96%Is it normal that i still prefer a laptop over a tablet ( ipad)?
38%How to play blu-ray on my mac mini 2.5 ghz intel core i5?
NewHow many regular websites do you go on?
50%Imac experts please!
44%IIN for my phone to do this?
NewHow many monitors do you use for your computer?
61%Is it normal to wait an hour to text backt?