Newest Posts in Technology
NewPlaystation or xbox? which do you like?
Video chat on iin
NewComment karma can go suck a anthill! it sucks! get rid of it!
53%IIN that i hate how easy technology and science make things?
73%IIN has the best usernames on the internet
NewSelf destructive
86%Is it normal that i remain uninvolved in chat sites , i mainly observe
NewHave you ever taken part in harlem shake video?
59%Is it normal to be afraid of loud noises?
77%Is it normal to exercise a high degree of caution when posting online
94%Time iin had an android app?
60%Flaw in new moderation system.
NewWhich of these would you like to see induced in all building codes?
72%Is it normal to not know how to downvote comments?
NewWhat is incognito mostly used for?
NewSkyrim crashing every few min
44%IIN to buy a steam box
NewWhat social media sites are you on?
33%I actually look forward to marketing companies collecting my data
NewDon't want an e-mail about my own comments.
16%IIN i got a charge for something there is no record of?
44%A question for those good with technology
32%IIN my comments keep disappearing on peoples posts?
60%Is it normal that i find industrial places terrifying?
38%IIN for this to happen?
NewDo you get rape and death threats online?
NewIdea for iin gold
NewDo you like the new moderation system?
NewDo you think humans will ever colonize something besides countries?
NewWhich console is best?