Newest Posts in Family
NewDo you think iin needs a friends tab or label?
100%How to develop self esteem in your beloved elders?
70%Is it normal for young people to start life insurance
43%Is it fine that i don't want to care for my parents when they're old?
33%Is it weird to be sexually attracted to people who scratch their arseholes?
100%IIN i resent being the youngest child
100%IIN to recognize each family member by their footsteps?
Am i lazy?
33%IIN i’m starting to regret not running away from home when i was 10
NewIIN i disowned my sister and she still didnt change
29%My mom drank my urine sample
17%I am going to withhold sex
14%Can't get child's birth certificate for adoption due to hospital red flag
15%I lied about wanting a family
NewWhen your mom is an a* and your dad is a b*
How to get over a toxic family relationship
22%IIN that my mother
40%Is it normal to give away gifts?
62%To blame the mother for sons cancer?
Is it normal that i’m stronger than my older brother?
70%IIN i always get involved when my brother beats his gf
I feel hopeless
33%Is it normal to say that a character i made is now my son?
27%Is it normal that my dad used to bite me?
20%I don’t feel cheating on my husband is wrong
92%Is it normal to be emotional over a song
79%IIN my wife and mom dislike eachother
Any advice on how to survive my visit to my uncle's house?
64%IIN my family to be so divided
70%Is it normal not to feel sad for fathers death?