Newest Posts in Health
68%Is it normal that i love peach ring candy.
51%A very strange and recurring sensation before falling sleep
31%Is it normal that people can see my thoughts
50%Is it normal that my heart races and i start to shake when i..
26%IIN that both of my nipples are itchy?
67%People call me fat
63%Fat obese people are repulsive
65%I can see my heartbeat in my chest and stomach - is this normal?
37%Why do i pee when i throw up?
NewFor the females, from a female...
47%IIN that i can bend my big toes at a 90 degree angle
NewIs it normal to cut off my mouth ulcers
66%Is it normal to be like this?
NewIIN to get severe abdominal pains with no other symptoms
40%Anesthesia withdrawals
54%IIN that sometime when i swallow there is a little click?
55%Is it normal that i can't hear the tone of my voice when i'm speaking
15%Male: i find blood drops on my underwear
NewWhat mental disorder do i have
50%Is it normal to sniff or taste your vaginal juices to make sure every.
60%I like to swallow my own cum
39%Don't go to the barber because i have dandruff
27%Pussy discharge
NewIs it normal to get a burning sensations in your chest, when your 14?
22%Is it normal to urinte blood?
NewHave you had your wisdom teeth taken out?
100%Is it normal to cough so much my tampon falls out of my vagina.
73%Is it normal my ear hurts when i turn my earrings?
27%IIN gray green poo?
89%Embarrassed and aroused