Newest Posts in Hobbies
69%IIN to love weird smell?
92%IIN that i have a job but don't want to work
88%Is it normal to get bored of things really quick?
100%Playing electric music on acoustic guitar now finger hurts like hell.
36%IIN to vote people "not normal" just to be a jackass?
40%IIN i want to profit form your perversity
44%Is this a normal thing to do?
32%IIN sister takes cosplay too far?
58%IIN i made my own clip in extensions?
NewIs it normal to love the smell of a new book?
NewIs it normal if i love harada's works?
78%IIN that my only hobbies are eating, watching tv and talking?
27%IIN if gintama is the saddest anime in my opinion?
33%IIN i put hats on my bfs cock ?
56%People should have an option....
48%IIN the police let me do anything i want?
66%IIN to do nothing everyday?
59%Is it normal that i sleep with seven teddies
83%Is it normal to write songs?
46%Is it normal to be out of breath after dancing with a dog?
56%IIN to give yourself a daily enema?
NewWhat is (in your opinion) the hardest sport in the u.s.a?
NewXbox one vs ps4
56%It's fun to scare people.
49%I love to tell racial jokes.
54%Soul crushing boredom, loneliness
NewFavourite metal gear solid characters?
67%Is it normal that i love to poo?
78%I love isolation
44%Is it normal i like polandball ?