Newest Posts in Pets
48%I get a random erection after petting cats/dogs...?
NewIIN to hate animals?
62%Is it normal that i like to get of to girls sucking dogs cock n watch
31%Is there something in my room i cant see but my dog can?
50%What can i do to help my puppy not be scared
50%IIN i cant figure out what do with pet in military
36%IIN beast iality?
NewIIN that my cat likes to lick my spermint gum that is in mmy mouth?
29%My cat plays with the turds in my toilet when i wipe iin?
NewWhat is your favorite animal?
79%IIN my bird is so cute?
67%IIN to walk your dog in the rain?
34%I like to rub lotion on my dog's belly?
NewDoes your dog ever talk to you?
NewMy cat always sleeps on my pillow?
71%Is it normal that my cats licks/nibbles my toes?
95%IIN to actually love cats?
49%Is it normal to have sexual relations with your dog?
NewDo you have pets?
NewIIN to have more than one dog?
83%IIN i get extremely emotional about my pets death?
14%IIN my mum thinks punching dogs is right?
82%IIN to think meowing is extremely cute?
20%Humanely euthanize cats and end the suffering
51%Is it normal to enjoy touching a dog on the nose?
81%IIN to understand dogs?
32%Screaming birds invasion
61%IIN to love your dogs to much and be to attached to them.
88%IIN to be depressed over pets death?