Newest Posts in Pets
37%Is it normal that my cat will only drink from a glass?
46%Is it normal that
53%Dog loves the aroma
69%Is it normal to like rats?
70%Is it normale that i let my dog lick my dick
89%Talking to animals
61%Dog licking
73%Is it normal that my cat loves fish food?
15%Is it normal to freeze dry your pet?
93%Is it normal to talk to your pets?
18%Is it normal to have pet worms
89%Is it normal to think animals see ghosts
45%Is it normal to absolutely hate someone in your family
48%Is it normal to have an obsession with cats?
62%Is it normal to think my cat is soooo annoying?!
83%Is it normal for my dog and cats to fight like cats and dogs?
28%Raping little boys?
34%Is it normal for my cat to smell like crap??
21%Is it normal i cover myself in cat food and let my cat lick it of?
33%Is it normal my cat can tap complex rhythms with his tail!
23%Is it normal to have a pimply pet
80%What's up with my stubborn cat?
85%Is it normal to make voices for pets
91%Is it normal that my cat chases his tail?
15%Is it normal to do this to an animal?
92%Is it normal i love kittens..
78%Is it normal to sleep with you cat
18%My dog is very useful
90%I talk/sing to my cat, iin?
75%Is it normal for my boston terrior to purr