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26%Psa: do not click external links
NewWhich is more awful? mlp or twilight?
78%Is it gay to let another guy suck your dick
67%IIN i cried when i learned the whole meaning of pretty by korn?
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73%IIN that i feel bad after watching porn?
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72%Is it normal that i'm an asshole on this site on purpose?
Boring fact about you
NewHey, how tall are you?
49%Are you spying on me?
NewAre you gay straight or bisexual
To want to escape.
63%To hate perverted men!!
50%Omg i really love blood
20%I like hitting babies and small kids
86%Why do you guys place so much importance on women
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78%Dog licks my pussy
NewSomething you'd like to do but don't because of your gender?
73%Is it normal to have sex with your pets?
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64%Have you ever passed out/ blacked out from smoking weed?
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76%Is atheism ok yet?
NewGirls please dont lie, do you think size matters in a guy?
88%Is it normal i like to look at my boobs?
What is the weirdest thing you’ve heard someone say?
NewIs suicide okay if the problem *isn't* temporary? (please read description)