Most Comments
88%I have re occuring dreams i have murdered someone !
46%Fuck the rich
NewI don't love my wife anymore
What the worst injury of your life?
72%IIN because of ex girlfriends..
What is your favorite snack?
NewHow do you feel about prostitution?
NewHow do you dress to be sexy?
NewWhich guy will win?
NewDo you believe in god, science or both?
NewI wish....
NewIs it normal to have akward, sexual situations with your own sister.
NewWomen are most attractive wearing . . .
81%IIN for older men to ask me out?
NewWaiting till marraige to lose your virginity: worth it or not?
29%Is it normal to hate people who cant speak american?
73%IIN that i feel bad after watching porn?
76%Is it normal for americans to leave shopping carts all over the place?
72%Is it normal that i'm an asshole on this site on purpose?
This is a post to all the anti-lgbt+ trolls on this site
54%I want doomsday on the 21st
NewAre you gay straight or bisexual
NewGiven the chance, would you try human flesh?
58%Is it normal for a 14 year old to have sex?
67%IIN i cried when i learned the whole meaning of pretty by korn?
Boring fact about you
NewHey, how tall are you?
To want to escape.
NewWhat do you guys think of escorts?
25%Why does india rely so heavily on groundwater when