Newest Posts in Technology
63%Is it really normal to register yourself on this site?
76%Is it normal to have your is it normal stories rejected?
54%I want to see who wrote story
- is my only source of advice
97%Leaving cursors on the screen?
47%Is it normal to play webgames day and night?
54%Normal to annoy people on facebook?
60%Turning into computer nerd
78%Is it normal for a christian girl to watch hentai porn
81%Is it normal that i don't have a myspace or facebook?
82%Is it normal to not like texting?
51%Is it normal to use is it
48%Laptop mouse
59%Wi-fi checker
78%Is ir normal that i hate the new web design?
71%Is it normal to hate when people type lol?
54%IIN to watch the enitre rick astley video when i'm rick-rolled
81%I am interested about the technology shift.
91%I hate long stories...
72%Playing cs (counter strike) for hours and browsing the web.
54%Is it normal that i joined
75%My friend avoids people he talk to on the internet
68%Is it normal to search out and find people online?
66%Is it normal that i love a video game character
77%Is is normal to hate people that type sh*tloads?
54%Is it normal to leave an email account open after using a computer?
78%Is it normal to be plain blank ??!
91%I like a girl i've never met.
55%Is it normal to spend so much time on this website?
81%Is it normal to upgrade things on friend's computers while using them?