Newest Posts in Hobbies
14%Is it normal to have a shrine to oprah winfrey?
84%Is it normal if i go to shows alone?
NewDo you like to dance? :]
84%Is it normal to like hanging out at a cemetery by yourself?
93%Is it normal to love the rain and thunder?
56%Is it normal to be obsessed with having garage sales?
83%Is it normal to look through guro for entertainment?
29%IIN to hang out at the cemetary at night?
NewUnhealthy desire for trolling?
87%Is it normal to pretend you're a rockstar when listening to your ipod?
84%Is it normal to have a favorite story on here?
18%IIN to make fake accounts on a site and make someone love you?
NewDo you go on omegle?
86%Is it normal that i still play playstation 1?
73%IIN to read a book for the setting rather than the actual story?
NewWhy do you like the outdoors?
83%Is it normal to get a hard on from firing a gun
58%Is it normal to be upset by recreational fishing?
86%Is it normal that i'm a girl, and i like to go on night walks?
67%Is it normal to read several books at once?
NewHave you ever done any scambaiting?
82%Is it normal to slide down the stairs in laundry tubs?
NewWhat is your astrological sign?
51%Is it normal to buy electric guitars but can't play on them?
67%I love to curse
61%Is it normal to go online just looking at shoes?
NewTo own masks and costume accessories at age 18...
77%Cooking in the nude
54%Is it normal to watch these strange youtube videos?
NewDo you post regularly at iin?