Newest Posts in Misc
23%I call going for a poo making a "charlie dumper"
NewWhich of these abileties would you rather have
NewIf you could time travel, would you rather have the abilety be like?
Let me guess what animal you are
NewWhat is the age demographic here?
12%Is it normal to have sexual fantasies of killing people?
What should i get my father for father's day?
Want a celeb to make a video for my mum's birthday. should.
63%IIN i play with my boobs when i'm stressed?
100%I like it when it rains
80%IIN that the customer service teams sounds like scams?
62%Is it normal that i like hitler's moustache?
Do you think those fat or skinny people are normal?
What pushes a publicly exposed person to commit suicide?
90%Im bored plz help
14%3rd miscarriage
88%I set my thermostat to anywhere between 65° and 68° f
78%Ìin. that red dot indians tilt their head from side to side when talking?
75%IIN that i voluntarily stopped having sex 10 years ago?
29%Is it normal that my genitals have started to hang lower?
What color is your favorite bath towel ?
57%IIN that adele has to pay half of her wealth 2 her husband in their divorce
NewIIN that nearly all brazilians have a c-section to keep vag tight?
NewDo you believe in karma?
23%Working 60-70 hours a week just to get by. normal?
NewChina vs usa
75%How do i tell my roommate her b.o is bad
50%IIN to go into random evangelical churches full drunk?
I'm sticking to my values
13%Is it n am 50 but won't have a serious relationship with anyone over 25?