Newest Posts in Misc
45%Shopaholics, i hate them
52%Want to go back to the old days
33%I dont believe in high taxes
NewMy mom leaves the door unlocked at night?
NewWho would be your ideal hot date?
93%Is it normal to realize that most people on here aren't normal?
NewWhat would you do if a group of activists went invading your restaurant?
38%IIN that i can keep my hands freakishly still?
NewWhat is this? is it somehow normal? i want to eat anything with multiple
11%Should a 3 year old begin transitioning from
NewDo you believe the french are arrogant?
I'm normal, end of story
86%My boyfriend takes photos of me when i'm not looking
What makes people auto assume that a post is a troll post?
NewHow many posts on here do you think are made up?
33%IIN that i have an ahoge?
25%Why r trans people more of what they are.more feminine and more masculine?
67%Does everyone hear "the sound of silence"?
NewIIN to masterbate in changing rooms in clothes shops?
How old do each of these names sound?
18%IIN for some random guy in the streets to want to fight me?
NewWhat determines "normal" to you?
91%I miss telling jokes
65%Is it normal that u.s. americans are obese?
67%Isitnormal that in some countries trans people been accepted for decades?
27%Nine of my students in my elementary class came out as non binary and
Police circled me on my walk
80%Is it normal that people from the u.s.a. use english incorrectly?
70%Is it normal that female privilage isn't talked about?
Eliminating all the bullshit