Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
NewIIN that women judge me just by my looks?
61%Is it normal that i am thoroughly disgusted by down syndrome people/ c
82%Is it normal that i have a huge dislike for humans?
67%Is it weird that i don't like the word cock and cutie?
80%IIN to hate people who take a half an hour in the girls restroom?
57%Titles should be longer.
28%Why the welcome?
71%IIN that i hate babies and toddlers for shitting in public?
86%Is it normal to be skeptical of modern psychology's take on suicide?
75%IIN to hate people who say out loud "i am the customer"?
80%IIN to hate laughing people?
71%he doesn't talk like that you dumb ass.
19%IIN being blackmailed
72%Why do so many topics get reported.
94%IIN to get annoyed with people that fake laugh
48%How do i avoid this person next to my bunk bed
40%Maybe it's in the weed a lot of them smoke?
42%IIN that i hate "witches" with shaved crotches?
42%Is it normal for me to hate people doing this?
62%Is it normal to get frustrated
70%Is it normal almost none of my posts get approved?
70%What's your pet peeves ?
52%I get so pissed off everything isn't open 24 hours a day.iin?
78%IIN to get angry when people run into me step on my feet kick the bed
74%IIN that i absolutely hate the word "folks"
55%IIN that music that i don't like gives me anxiety and makes me mad?
73%Is it normal to get annoyed with anti-drug propaganda in comics?
78%Clickbait, "almost broke the internet" i hate this term. iin?
NewDont you hate when your gf flirts with strangers?
70%Is it normal that i really hate this term?