Newest Posts in Education
92%Have i done the right thing?
42%Kids now are so vulgar
60%What do you think about amercia?
67%I did something real bad at school.
40%Is it normal i think is it normal should be changed to is it natural?
84%IIN i don't want my kids to go to regular school?
NewPop quiz: how old is iin?
NewIs college necessary to get by in the future?
NewWill i do well in college?
45%IIN i like to know people without them knowing?
64%Is it normal how i feel towards my professor?
52%IIN this one-sided childhood rivalry
82%i don't want to go to college?
75%Is it normal that cramming works best for me?
NewShould i skip class if i know i'm going to be really late anyway?
NewWhat was your favorite level of school?
73%IIN that there is always someone better than you?
80%IIN i do better in class when i have a crush on the teacher?
NewShould i tell universities i have social anxiety?
68%Too much?
79%I feel lost without work
50%IIN i not sure how to get an education?
NewIf you drop out of high school, can you say the system's still good?
36%Can i be pregnant
36%IIN college wants me pay rent and wont give me the grants?
NewIf iin were a school, what role would you play in it?
57%IIN to like your teacher yet be scared of him?
NewWhat's your favorite and least favorite teacher and subject?
89%IIN to hate school?
45%Political correctness