Newest Posts in Thoughts
80%My hobby is to shitpost here
100%IIN that i find it weird that people younger than me are having children?
100%To fell unconfortable when people worry about you?
75%To fear talking to new people?
Does the success of megalomania mean anything to you?
NewIs kentucky a southern state?
NewDo you have more respect for actors, or directors?
NewHow do you tell chinese, koreans and japanese apart?
NewI hate animal obsessed people
NewWould it be possible to build a 10 000 feet skyscraper?
What was your favorite movie as a kid?
What happened to the equal rights question
83%Is it normal to want to dress up as a superhero and go fight crime?
NewI am the voice in your head
NewWhat was the best time to be alive?
77%Is it bad i don’t like getting drunk/high?
NewNon-americans. would you consider moving to america?
100%IIN that i think both the democrats and the republicans suck?
NewWhat is more prestigious?
NewWho would win in a civil war between the republicans and democrats?
NewWhat are your thoughts on cardi b?
20%Is it normal for everyone to be rich?
100%IIN i hate it when people think they can speak for whole groups?
NewWhich of these female names do you prefer?
Moving out of state
NewWhat would you do if a hoe try to fight you?
NewCould europe fend-off a russian invasion alone?
NewDo you think america will ever have another presidential assassination?
100%IIN that i believe that first impressions are overrated?
33%Im an idiot please help