Drugs & Alcohol
Newest Posts in Drugs & Alcohol
92%Normal to notice alcohol make people ruder?
86%IIN to want to try everything when high?
50%Weed makes me more motivated
58%Pina coladas, strawberry daqueries really gay drinks?
90%IIN i constantly order virgin cocktails?
78%IIN i smoke weed everyday and can't stop
NewDo you take any drugs(street drugs) or meds(prescription medication)?
13%I get drunk much quicker on beer than on vodka
What really happened to me?
88%IIN weed makes me feel better?
57%IIN my favorite drink is..
100%I dream only about things that make me stressed and angry
Help please?
Psychonaughts welcome
69%IIN to sometimes get so drunk you wake up with someone you can't remember?
63%IIN that i start to feel the effects after just one can of beer?
40%Is it weird that i can't really get drunk or high?
76%Is it normal to have a panic attack after smoking weed?
41%Drink and not drink
39%Smash your head off doors and burn cigarettes in your forehead
100%I just don’t ever want to drink?
NewAre you on medication?
50%Best way to deal with gambling addiction without therapy
63%Most likely to consumed drugs if depressed?
84%Normal to not understand joy of alcohol?
57%IIN my tolerance to alchohol is so high?
90%IIN alchohol makes my hands stop shaking
75%IIN alcohol makes me not eat
NewShould i call the cops when i dont know..
70%It is normal that i hate weed?