Newest Posts in Habits
42%IIN to pluck pubic hairs?
NewIIN to get jiggy with it?
NewIIN to have a nasty fart?
31%Is it normal that i like to leave skid marks while on the crapper?
NewDo you put water on your brush before or after the toothpaste?
43%IIN that typing brings out the psycho in me?
76%IIN that i pee through my bathing suits?
NewIt only takes a second or two more
59%IIN for a girl to like mooning ass?
69%IIN for a girl to fart around guys?
29%IIN that i wear a wedding ring despite being single?
75%IIN that boys and girls pee together?
47%IIN for a girl to pee in the sink?
47%Is it normal to forget things and then get mad with everyone?
43%Uh, sometimes when i drink...
15%I keep things in my mouth
25%Is normal to blink rapidly and then blink for a long time
21%I blame my hair for being slow sometimes
74%Is it normal to get up and walk around while playing music?
14%Is it normal to masterbate with a rainbow swirl lollipop?
18%Whenever i hold stool in for a long period, shit gets weird
69%Is it normal that i am into inapproite stuff but i dont want to be?
41%I just can't stop
61%IIN to keep going over and over stories in my head? (read post)
42%IIN i talk to plants???
31%IIN for kids to not wear clothes and run around naked?
24%IIN to cut yourself?
85%IIN to make sound effects when......
40%IIN that some people want people with down syndrome to die??
60%Is it normal to tongue thrust/suck while rubbing silk on my lips?