Newest Posts in Health
32%IIN to keep having blocked nose almost everyday?
100%I have an anxious feeling in my vagina like i need to stretch it
23%Is it normal i'm always shaking?
44%IIN to want a wheelchair
67%Is it normal that i had sex almost 5 months ago and..?
38%Is it normal that i have conversations with myself, i hear a reply?
NewDoes anyone know any great organizations to help lgbt people?
23%IIN i like to pee on the person next to me at urinal
18%IIN that whenever im about to puke i see animals and people
60%IIN to believe this is all a dream and reality will come soon?
38%Too fast getting exhausted
18%IIN to consider taking steroids?
37%IIN that i am a virgin never touched a guy but have genital warts?
22%IIN i have terribly delayed reactions?
50%IIN i getting skin flakes?
39%Is it normal to drink 9-12 liters of water a day?
78%Is it normal to stand up and feel dizzy?...
57%Is it normal to examine and smell your own poop?
76%IIN that i see long stretch light lines from light source?
85%IIN to have pimples on your scalp?
19%IIN to suddenly start getting a bunch of moles?
33%Feel sick after breathing in smoke from a gay man's burning hair
64%IIN farts of death?
NewHow much would you cut your weiner off for
39%Not selling fatty food to fat people
68%IIN a flea bit me on my pussy?
44%IIN extreme joint cracking
74%Is it normal to have inverted nipples?
87%IIN normal that i see rays of light
52%What the hell is wrong with me?!?