Newest Posts in Health
33%Am i ok???
57%IIN that i suck my gut in all the time?
26%Sometimes i forget to breathe, iin?
31%IIN that after a while in the shower i get dizzy and almost faint?
21%IIN i dont have a dick?
46%Is it normal that i'm unusually resistant to pain?
33%Can anyone help me become a werefox?
NewIIN normal that my penis hurts when i masturbate ?
10%Is it normal to have seizures when you arent epiletic
93%IIN that i crap everyday?
56%I sleep an average of eleven hours a day
67%IIN vision keeps getting worse?
35%Is it normal to pass gas at least 50-100 times per day?
10%Is it normal for your arms to shake & you being unable to feel them?
79%IIN to always feel tired?
13%IIN for your nipples to go inside you
35%I'm becoming a woman, is it normal?
65%Is it normal to have mood swings after exercising?
25%Strong stomach ache
24%IIN to not have period at 18?
72%Am i obese?
40%Is it normal that time feels slowing and speeding up at the same time?
43%Is it normal i hear voices in my head?
21%I pass out. it sucks
35%Is it normal that i have a crooked urethra?
40%Why did this happen to my leg during stretching?
29%Is it normal that my bottom lip has been split for the past 6 months?
90%Is it normal i see short lines from light source
29%IIN that i feel nauseous when he gets on top of me?
24%Is it normal to cry/have runny nose while going to the bathroom?