Newest Posts in Hobbies
60%I love looking for french kisses in internet, is it normal?
58%Is it normal to make the noises of people's facial expressions?
50%Is it normal to dream about wwii?
11%Is it normal that i really do love stalking?
84%22 years old and watches anime
21%Is it normal that i pretend to kill myself to myself
13%Is it noemal 2 swallow all small objects?
30%Is it normal to smash glass things?
63%I stay home nearly 24/7. is this normal?
83%Is it normal to love animie
81%I have been on a crusade to cry latelly.
72%Sign of the new year
90%Is it normal to still like vidio games and/ or computer games?
22%Is it normal to love to throw your poo at things,people,or places?
79%Is it normal to make a blanket fort that extends through my house?
88%Dancing in the mirror
34%Is it normal that i collect spice girl figurines?
83%I like to play pretend when no one is around
47%I do not so normal stuff...
54%Is it normal that i write gay bandom stories at the age of 22
29%I shoplift as much as possible
86%My girlfriend and i watch cartoons as a major passtime
23%Is my toungue germy?
86%Partying vs. staying at home
66%When im alone..
55%The feeling of scissors on my skin makes me feel alive
45%Me and my friends
52%I now hate hetalia and all manga because of my friends obession?
46%Am i normal? i enjoy visiting hospital chapels.
68%I hate shopping