Newest Posts in Relationships
Is it normal for my bf to play with friends when i beg him to play with me?
100%Is it normal for a tomboy to be heterosexual?
75%IIN for me to not like it when my bf hangs with his friends
Is it normal to be too depressed 2 months after a breakup
18%Bf cheated and i feel dumb for staying with him
How do you tell your best friend you love them?
I can't tell if i want a relationship or not
93%Is it weird for a malexfemale couple to be the same height?
Is it normal to be disgusted by my boyfriend
100%IIN that i play the ocarina with my girlfriend?
33%Guy who is interested in me has persisted after being rejected twice
54%I'm know i'm in love with my stepsister
IIN my boyfriend made me feel ugly? (sorry long post)
My boyfriend is pressuring me into having sex what should i do?
67%Bf with random girls after cheating
54%Is it normal to hate stepkid
50%Is it normal for a tattoo artist to do all this?
NewIs my friends boyfriend normal?
NewIs this a good sign?
Best friend/roommate confessed she loves my ex
NewIIN to feel proud when people call me ramza
33%My high school crush/friends sister.(serious question)
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80%Is it normal to want your friends to touch you or could i be gay?
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67%Telling my bf i’m sad because he cheated
44%Do cheaters even care?
44%Is it normal to want a hotwife relationship?
13%Bf gets mad at me when i bring up him cheating
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