Newest Posts in Education
NewWhat was high school like for you?
69%Is it normal that some teachers don't like me?
15%Is it normal my teacher told me he likes my body?
92%Is it normal to have issues learning a language?
NewCollege is making me depressed and i want to drop out. any thoughts?
78%I can't seem to study
NewWhat is american high school really like?
NewWhat is your favorite level of school?
84%Is it normal to fear the bathroom at school
71%Is it normal that i prefer my teachers to my family
92%Is it normal to have bad grades, but be intellectual?
NewIs it normal to drop out of school?
27%Is it normal for males to be bullied by females this way?.
NewShould i go to et school?
36%Is it normal that i just learned how to tell right from left?
58%Is it normal that the "is over of" method is so memorable to me?
78%I've never found school difficult?
57%Is it normal i just realized my school stuck me with the tards?
80%Not sure about my course on my final year?
62%Is it normal that i cannot motivate myself to do anything to succeed?
68%Is it normal that all of my friends dislike their college?
NewIs it normal that i can't do lot at once??
80%Is it normal to be an awful procrastinator?
74%Is it normal for my student to have a crush on me?
57%Is it normal that i think im the fastest kid at school
52%Is it normal to take pride in getting a good grade on kid's homework?
60%Is it normal that i use these tricks to learn foreign languages?
NewWhat do you hate more? term papers or exams?
NewIs this fair?
67%Is it normal i can not find classes at night?