Newest Posts in Thoughts
Who's to blame for 9/11?
If you could do anything, where would you be now?
86%IIN that i hate elon musk's fans?
Opinions about fame
Thoughts about veganism
If you had a time machine, what would you do?
68%Assisted suicide should be allowed
60%IIN that i think sigmund freud's psychoanalytic theory is bullshit?
20%IIN i have thoughts on sex while playing dead by daylight..
23%So positive people are above everybody else now?
NewDo you think having an identical twin sounds fun?
IIN to feel. boored as hell
NewAre you automatically a nerd if you watch anime?
I know how to rule the world
13%Is the world getting better yet, or when will it mellow out.?
NewDo millionaires dream of becoming billionaires?
NewWhat do you think of the dark knight movies?
85%IIN that i hate cgi in movies?
67%IIN that i think japanese cars are uglier than american/european?
40%IIN i cant let go
NewWhat is better in warfare? quality or quantity?
Why is it like that
NewWhat is your opinion on joe biden?
75%IIN that suicide rates are rising?
33%IIN to wonder if mid-eastern woman
60%Us or canada
92%From us all… to the shit poster
NewWho has it better?
26%Is it normal to want to join the military cause you're more likely to die?
50%What kind of extreme weather