Most Popular All Time
All Time
79%Penis wiping
80%The back of my ears smell like cheese
72%I like to scratch my ass crack and smell my fingers.
94%I'm a woman, and i enjoy anal sex.
25%IIN to think that the usa is the greatest country in the world?
75%I smell under my finger nails all the time
67%That hours after i poo i need to wipe again?
82%I want my brother to die so badly
34%Fucking ham
NewHave you ever wanted to push somebody in a wheelchair to the ground?
39%I hate the beatles
31%Squeezing little boys penises
98%Thinking of something to say after?
86%Okay, i know its super gross but i like shemales.
NewWhat is a slut?
84%Creampie eating
83%I put hair in my ears.
NewHow many times a day do you urinate?
76%Is it normal that i am a girl and i have no idea how to hump my pillow
71%Dog eating you out? normal?
82%I hate babies- really, really hate them.
36%I poo in the shower
89%I hate my family
94%IIN i am a male and i want to suck another guys dick!?
NewWhen did you loose your virginity?
42%Is it normal to eat your smegma?
88%I hate welfare bums!
52%Why am i so jealous of everyody about everything?
NewHow long do you have to date a guy before you are willing to have sex?
NewWhich would you rather have, penis or vagina?