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77%I have small boobs and my boyfriend likes big.
91%Men with hairy bum
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77%Is it normal for a son to experience jerking off with his dad?
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82%I have fallen in love with my cousin. what do i do?
51%Im a woman sleeping with a married woman
93%The running man outside the car window
NewHow many sex partners have you had?
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86%Is it normal that i like to touch other peoples ears?
88%IIN to love to rub fabrics between my fingers?
85%I hate my friend
21%Not wiping after pooping.
NewAt what age did you first fall in love?
76%Is it normal that i like to touch my vagina and smell my fingers?
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23%Why wont my boyfriend pay for anything?
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70%I never shave my armpits and im a girl
38%My wife does not like kiss
64%Is it normal to be attracted by young girl?
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NewGirls: do you find guys with hairy chests/body hair attractive?
88%Is it normal that i like the taste of blood?
77%I'm 20 and i've never had a boyfriend
87%Can a straight guy to have feelings for a mate?
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74%I don't age normally.