Newest Posts in Fears
52%Inn to have a fear of holes or dark tunnels?
53%IIN to be this scared??
36%IIN to fear no death?
32%IIN to hurt random people
56%I'm never falling in love again.
41%I'm starting to think my girlfriend doesn't respect me.
83%I'm afraid of the dark.
NewWomen, if this happened to you how would you react
78%I never want people to leave out my life
58%IIN to be afraid to sleep naked?
38%IIN to try and dodge raindrops
62%I keep hearing bits of conversation about homosexuality
NewWhat would scare you more?
NewI'm afraid of finding shiny pokemon but i love shiny hunting
50%Is it normal to be completely freaked out by birds?
62%IIN most bicyclists are assholes?
37%IIN to slowly push a ped out of the way with your car?
20%I am afraid of the witch in my cabinet.
48%I feel i fucked up my life so badly that i'm far behind people my age
56%Is it normal that i'm afraid of dead insects?
75%Is it normal to be afraid of chandeliers?
58%Is it normal to have lot's of phobias?
46%Is it normal to feel this pain?
25%I cheated on my bf and i don't care
54%I'm afraid of computers developing sentience.
NewIs it normal to live in fear?
32%Omg is there something wrong with my head? and iin?
60%I'm terrified of being alone for long periods of time.
78%Is it normal to be scared of the sea?
73%Is it normal that i'm absolutely terrified of space