Newest Posts in Fears
69%IIN to be afraid of loving people?
43%Is this normal? if not what is it.
86%Is it normal that i have trouble making friends my age?
23%Aliens are hiding behind the moon to spy on us.
56%IIN that i'm afraid of men?
26%Is it normal for me to get scared whenever i see the tv show elmo?
56%Is it normal to think that freckles are a rare skin condition?
NewIs it normal to feel like i'm being watched, or may be harmed?
NewCan people read your mind?
86%IIN that i've been feeling anxious and sad for no real reason?
74%Transgender but im afraid to tell
41%Should i trust him again?
53%Is it normal to have a mental breakdown when people yell at me?
71%I want to have anal intercourse with thousands of foolish women.
60%Is it normal to be afraid of someone you don't know?
72%Why im feeling like this
74%Is it normal to have a fear of the passage of time?
53%IIN that i heard a voice at night?
46%My boyfriend is really weird
83%How to get rid of anxieties?
22%IIN that i have a fear of silverware?
12%IIN creepy naked kid?
89%I like boys, but also girl's bodies?
86%I like boys, but also girl's bodies?
61%Female stalkers less considered
NewIIN to fear rabies
38%I only feel safe in my bedroom.
71%I'm afraid my roommate is terrible
NewIIN to fear the dark?
76%IIN to be jealous and possessive until she is my gf?