Newest Posts in Fears
73%Is it normal to have an intense fear of furbies?
44%Dont want to poop
88%Is it normal to fear crititicism?
23%Is it normal that i feel like this...
41%Is it normal that im terrified of ants?
81%I have shy bladder, can't pee with someone watching.
65%Is it normal to become distressed by certain noises
62%Is it normal to "hear" noises and get terrified instantly ?
52%Is it normal that i "hear" noises and i become terrified immediately
46%Is it normal for panic attacks to be triggered by bright lights?
52%Is it normal to be afraid of mirrors?
52%Is it normal to be scared of giant versions of things?
57%Is it normal that i get tickles in my privates when i get scared?
17%Is it normal i'm scared of pillows?
74%Early morning television depresses me?
83%Im scared to break up with my first boyfriend and lose out friendship?
85%Is it normal to feel u will never marry?
90%Is it normal that i am paranoid when....
85%I'd never know if you were dead
65%IIN 2 fear that our size makes a big difference in our lives?..
60%Is it normal: random panic attacks in the dark
16%Is it normal to be afraid of red jell-o?
85%Is it normal to be scared to death of getting old!
NewWhat are you scared of the most?
69%Is it normal can anyone help me
38%Is it normal that i fear other people are going to choke?
46%Is it normal sounds make ma go crazy?
63%Is it normal that i'm afraid to tinkle when a bug is in the room?
67%Is it normal that i'm scared of large groups of people?
38%Is it normal that i cannot go in my room knowing a dead moth is there?