Newest Posts in Habits
13%IIN to pee on yourself to stay warm?
25%Is it normal to like a sore lip? wtf?
50%Whenever i eat a banana
75%IIN to walk around the house in the dark?
75%Is it normal to do these types of things?
83%IIN to sometimes zone out seemingly at random?
NewNormal to eat this?
33%Nasty tv theme remixes
45%IIN to hurt myself when in too much anger or stress?
50%Is it cringe to play videogames after college age?
92%IIN to cut the tags off all of my clothes?
91%Is it normal to talk to yourself aloud?
62%Is it normal to flap my hands or rock when i'm excited or stressed?
NewIs it normal to do this in the kitchen?
64%Is it normal to enjoy messing up the pitches in songs?
75%Is it normal to start speaking in a different accent than yours?
86%IIN to tap your book with your pencil eraser when you read?
38%What do you think about vaping?
NewMasturbating to gta
88%Is it normal for a girl to fart in front of a man?
70%What's the most fucked-up thing you've ever done?
63%Is is normal to like beard hairs?
31%IIN to pee on plants?
75%Can't pee sitting down in public toilet
NewI keep losing a lot of fights?
100%Is it normal to let tea brew in the kitchen instead of taking it with you?
50%A woman love peeing outside
42%IIN for a girl to pee standing up?
64%Is it normal that i defy authority/rules by doing things i shouldn't?
28%I wear underwear on my head