Newest Posts in Hobbies
91%Is it normal that i write so much?
41%Is it normal that i troll online to get motivation?
52%Is it normal to love to.....
88%Is it normal to have writers block?
80%Is it normal to wear diapers
59%Is it normal to write so much and isolate myself?
71%Is it normal to stop playing an rpg, at random points....
83%Is it normal that i'm a girl and i like call of duty?
36%I can barely read. but i love the smell of books!
NewDid you grow up to be what you wanted?
40%IIN that i recently started tryin to sing verses of stuff in piglatin?
NewDoes anyone like to prank on april fools day?
65%Is it normal to want to be a real life mage?
34%Is it normal to have 3 tvs in 1 room?
66%Condoms in carts
91%Is it normal that i'm curious about every thing
NewWhat is your favorite way to relax?
62%Is it normal to be obsessed with the paranormal
NewWhat do you guys do on a night out?
89%Resonate with literary characters
NewHow long are you on this website (per day)?
86%Is it normal for a guy to play video games as a girl character?
NewWhat are the best things in life? sex, drugs, power, etc?
41%Is it normal that i find it extremely funny to talk about penis?
21%To like to skin random dead animals
NewHave you discovered any of your hidden talents?
16%Is it normal to take photos of my sh!t?
NewHow are your cooking skills?
75%Is it normal that even tho i am a vocalist.....
68%Video chating with strangers????