Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
73%IIN that i am repulsed by my boyfriend's sneeze?
68%IIN for little kids to boss me around when i'm making their sandwich?
NewFor those who grew up with pokemon, what song was your favorite?
26%Is it normal that i react this way to being accidentally spit on?
46%Is it normal that i don't like my dog?
67%IIN to yell at fellow pasengers on the plane for not letting you out?
43%IIN is it really illegal to smoke while walking with teenagers?
19%IIN that my wife won't do anything?
50%Why did my post get reported and rejected?
86%IIN i get bothered when using the computer around other people??
67%Is it normal to be peeved at people who play devil's advocate always?
NewTargeting at iin.
25%IIN to sit and climb all over parked cars for city people?
42%Is it normal that every mcdonalds doesn't understand iced black coffee
72%IIN to tell off a friend for her boy troubles?
83%Is it normal to feel disgut/dislike at a person over fiction
NewU.s election 2k16
83%People making eating sounds at movies
92%IIN to be repulsed by drama queens?
65%Inn for intervention to have gone awry
51%Is it normal to be creeped out by gay people?
40%IIN that my friend acts like a celebrity?
68%Espanol is making me sick.
89%I view people who think of swear words as intrinsically bad as shallow
91%I hate internet trends and people that participate
100%I hate holding phones to my ear for long periods of time
29%Pro-choicers are silly?
56%Is it normal for me to hate usernames with numbers?
86%IIN to not want to be freind with a guy who always hit on peep u like
86%Overly sentimental animal lovers annoy me