Newest Posts in Pets
NewI crap in my cat's litter box
63%Is it normal that i like to blow raspberries on my puppy's belly?
67%Is it normal for a dog to eat underwear?
77%Is it normal that all my rabbits are litter-box trained?
45%Is it normal to not know when an animal becomes a pet?
44%Is it normal for a man to scratch or fondel a dogs testicles
66%Is it normal that i consider my dog to be my daughter?
44%Is it normal i want matching animal set?
50%Is it normal that i want to devote my life to dogs?
69%Is it normal i want to travel but i have pets?
NewDo any animals, other than humans, have orgasms?
NewWould you adopt a dog?
NewWhat kind of pet do you have and why?
22%Is it normal i try to overpower my cats?
NewIs it normal to not care if cats climb on countertops?
59%Is it normal i'm trying to give neighbor's dog diarrhea?
63%Is it normal that it bothers me when my cat grooms his genitals?
25%Dad's dog thinks he is dominat over me
85%Trying to figure out what your pet is looking at?
NewCan you go 1 day without talking to your pet in a silly voice?
65%Is it normal all of my male animals are typically such babies?
71%Is it normal i can't get over loss of pet?
62%Is it normal that i can call a wolf
79%Is it normal that i talk to animals
79%Is it normal that my cats meow at this?
59%My kitty kabootles sandbox time iin?
74%Is it normal i want to pinch animal ears?
13%Is it normal to eat dog/cat hair
75%My cat tries to say "milk" whenever she sees me pouring it
NewShould "obamacare" cover pets?