Newest Posts in Education
73%IIN to think minorities get accepted over me
NewHave you been to college?
NewHave you ever cried after a text/exam?
NewDid/do you hate your teachers?
NewWho got bullied the most at your school?
62%IIN i wonder why unis get 60% of funds from gov but are expensive?
91%Is it normal that i don't reveal my personal life to professors?
90%Is it normal i dont want to go to college?
31%IIN continuation kids get to go ahead while regular children not.
NewDid your parents save money for you to go to college?
NewWere there any openly gay people at your school?
84%Is it normal to do horrible at one school but great in another?
77%Is it normal that my teacher doesn't undestand my problem solving?
69%Is it normal to not care at all about school?
91%Is it normal that im weird
65%Is it normal to treat your teacher like your best friend?
79%Is it normal to be financially supported through college?
NewAlternate schooling program. what do you think?
59%Is it normal what is so appealing about dating a teacher?
83%Is it normal i'm scared to go into my reading class?
89%Is it normal to want to be closer to my teacher in a motherly way?
24%Is it normal to be called "an animal not fit for society"?
41%IIN that i truly want to hurt those that disrespect authority?
74%Is it normal that i can never concentrate in class?
100%IIN to have sex with 22- year old teacher?
94%Is it normal to be sexually attracted to a teacher?
80%Is it normal to be black and nerdy?
33%Is it normal for a teacher to say this?
73%Is it normal to not have any friends in college?
51%IIN to dream of attacking equations/numbers before a big exam?