Most Comments
94%I love giving blow jobs.
91%I love to be naked
NewWhat's the perfect age to lose virginity?
87%Can atheists believe in stuff for which there is no evidence?
NewAre you protesting the sopa/pipa law?
54%I'm not into girls, but i am straight
35%I am in love with my sister is it normal?
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NewGuy pressured me to have sex until i finally agreed. sexual assult?
69%My dog licked my pussy
75%Ugly-duckling syndrome
NewFor christians; do you think sex out of marriage is okay?
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61%My boyfriend looks at porn online while i'm it normal
40%IIN normal to need to justify being a meat-eater?
NewDoes the year 2012 scare you?
What’s on your mind?
NewHow should i go about giving my best guy friend a blow job
NewTell me how your feeling :)
19%Is it normal i think people should only speak american in america?
93%Is it normal to be sick of miley cyrus already?
New(girls) do you prefer pads or tampons?
NewIf u do a gay thing for money but only desire the opposite sex, are u gay?
56%Is it normal that i had let my wife to stay nude in front of other guy
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60%What to do if prayer constantly doesn't work?
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