Most Comments
NewTears against trump
New(girls) do you prefer pads or tampons?
95%What words & phrases did you mispronounce as a kid?
62%I broke a secondary tooth
14%IIN users are happy because it's all free
57%Threatened to punch my mom
74%Is it normal that i wanna meet some people on here?
What do you look like? let the guessing begin
Who would you have sex with?
58%Why women wear tight fitting clothes?
IIN that a woman only island could exist?
53%Am i racist?
85%Has everyone thought of suicide in some point of their lives?
34%Is it normal to slap my daughter?
17%IIN to get relly angry at your wife and kids when drunk?
NewTired of humans and their bullshit
What do you dislike most about being human?
55%IIN i can't get a guy
33%Gun ban, yes or no?
NewDo you like it when profiles have something to look at?
69%The vaccine side effects
14%I sleep with a window open so the vampires can,
78%IIN to get annoyed at the self-righteous judgemental posters here?
84%I dont shave my vagina.
43%Do people with autism and asperger's ever get on your nerves?
43%Is it normal i had this experience with a prostitute?
NewJust wondering...
83%I want a dick in my ass
41%IIN to think gay rape should be punished worse?
NewDo you think wwiii might happen soon?